Thursday, December 8, 2011

just a thought

i have come to realize that there will always be toys all over my living room and cheerios or gold fish all over the floor..but that means jaxson is happy and having fun..that there maybe dishes in the sink..but that means my boys bellies are full of food..yes my house might not always be the cleanest..but it's filled with love and that's all that matters!! :)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day at the zoo

So Jaxson and I and Dustin went to the zoo this morning, since it was a nice day and Dustin had to work we just met him there, we went the kids part of the zoo, and went to the petting zoo, Jaxson seemed to enjoy the goats and was quite curious. It was really fun.  Thanksgiving was good, sadly we weren't able to make to Arizona, but went over to one of the guy's Dustin works with and had Thanksgiving dinner there.  School is going good, I switched programs I was doing the Dental Assistant Program, but realized it wasn't for me, so I switched to Patient Care Technican Program, and I really enjoy it.  I am doing really well I have a 93% in the class, which I have never gotten.  At the end of the program I am hoping to take an exam to become a CNA.  If that doesn't happen, I can either take an exam to become a phelbotimst or an EKG Tech.  Dustin is doing good, Jaxson is growing like a weed, its hard to believe that one minute he is a tiny little baby and in a blink of an eye he has turned in a little boy...where has the time gone? 

Here are his stats for 19 months almost 20 months

weight: I would say between 24 and 26 lbs
height: over 29 inches, he is a tall boy
developements: he climbs on anything and everything, walks around very good, loves giving kisses and loves (hugs), loves reading books either with mommy or by himself (he can sit in his room and go through his books for hours) loves playing with cars and his lawn mower, and playing with daddy's tools and "helping" daddy fix things around the house or his motorcyle, he can say hi, hello, bye, uh oh, cup, thank you,  no, ball.  he points at everything, and when he hears a plane he points and waves and says bye, he is good at getting things and putting things back when you ask.  i can't believe that he will be 2 in almost 4 months and that we will have another one also. and he loves to dance and run around the house and do circles around the coffee table.

Maddie is developing well,  last time i went to the ob my blood pressure was good and her heart rate was in the 140's, and my belly measured at 22 inches.  i had to do a 24 hour urine collection, to make sure i was not developing pre eclempsia (which I had with Jaxson), and I also did my 1 hr gluccose test, to make sure I am not developing gestational diabetes.  I go back to the doctor on December 9th.

Other than that life is going pretty good, busy but good, hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011


Jaxson the monkey and Daddy


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's a....

it's a GIRL!! we found out yesturday that we are having a girl..Madison Nicole is set to arrive March 4th, we are very excited about adding her to our family!! :)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

life as we know it

i went to the doctor on thursday, had to take jaxson with me which is always and adventure, got to hear the heartbeat...sounded good, found out i had lost 6 lbs since my last visit, doctor told me to gain some weight.  found out that i will be able to have to baby naturally and not have to have another c section, unless it's neccissary.  so that makes me happy, cause with the c section with jaxson recovery was hard and painful and i don't feel like going thru that again, and i really want to have the experience of actual labor and delievery the baby..weird i know but that's how i feel.  i will be scheduling an appointment with in the next 2 weeks to find out if we are having a girl or another boy...we are hoping for a girl, but what we really want is a health baby.  having to do a 24 hr urine collection, they want to test it just to make sure nothing is doctor is watching me closely due to me having hypertension and pre e with jaxson.  school is going good, next week i will be done with my second this class i learned how to do alginate impressions, dentist use those to get a better view of all your teeth, it's pretty fun but messy.  the next class i will be learning how to do cornoal polishing....can't believe that in march i will be having another baby and by june i will be graduating from school...time goes by way to fast.  dustin is doing good the navy is keeping him busy, he leaves in october for a week for some training.  he has been gone alot, his command has been sending him on a lot of training.  he was gone almost all of august in little creek, va doing crane operations.  jaxson is doing good growing like a weed, i am not sure of his stats..he is probaly around 26 or 27 lbs..getting to heavy for me to carry around, and 31 inches,  he is eating really good, always has, he will eating most anything i place in front of him. he is teething,  he says mama, dada, uh oh, no (his favorite), bye bye, thank you, oh.  he points at airplanes and helicopters when he hears them flying over our apartment.  loves reading books and will always walk out of his room and bring one to me.  he is climbing on anything and everything he can, he is learning how to run, and thinks it's pretty funny to try and run away from momma.  he has figured out how to snort like a pig, and make monkey noises.  he is such a cutie.  i guess that's it for now..i will update once we find out  what we are having!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


haven't written in awhile thought i would update everyone..lets see so as of july 29 i am now out of the coming up to almost a month..crazy i know. i started school on august 11, so i am on my second week, it's going pretty good, learning alot!! found out that if i take more than 2 weeks off after i have the baby, instead of being done with school in june, i wouldn't be done until august, and would graduate in october. baby #2 is doing good so far, am 12 wks feeling pretty good, haven't had too much all day sickness, only get if the baby doesn't agree with what i have far it's hamburgers, pizza (even homemade) certain sandwichs...umm mixing certain things. i go back in to the ob in september around 15 weeks, and hopefully we will find out what we are having sometime in october (hoping for a girl this time, but if we get another boy we will be happy to as long as the little one gets here safe and sound and healthy) dustin will be home sometime this week he is currently in virgina doing some training, they had an earthquake there today, but he is fine, he says he didn't really feel it. jaxson is growing like a weed, he is 17 months now, and getting big, he is now climbing up on the couch (yikes), now says thank you. ummm that's all that i can think of, will update again after jaxson's 18 month apointment!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Jaxson 15/16 month update

okay so i have been bad on the updates for i am squeezing two into here you go.

weight 24lbs 2 oz
height 29 inches

developements: now waves bye bye, figured out how to climb up onto the couch, knows how to open doors,(now have to keep the front door locked). pushes things, will throw balls and try and play catch with you, loves to be chase, is learning how to run now.

words: uh oh, go, bah (bye bye), no(his favorite), yah, momma, dada,(not to often on those), balbs like crazy and trying to talk.

food: he likes anything you put on his plate, mac and cheese, pears, peaches, mixed fruit, watermelon(his favorite), meat, and kind of pasta, mash potatoes, green beans, carrots, corn, peas(okay), milk(he could drink all day if you let him) he is doing good from a sippy cup now just have to work on a regular cup, still getting the whole eat with a spoon.

naps: usually late morning nap around 1030 or 11 and sleeps 45mins to 2 hrs, if it's long than he won't go down for a late afternoon nap, sometimes he will, goes to bed early and will wake up once in the middle of the night sometimes, just soothe him back to sleep, than wakes up around 5 and give him some milk and he will sleep until 8.

he is such a sweet boy, he knows how to give kisses and blow kisses, he loves patty cake, itsy bitsy spider, loves to dance and hear mom sing and read his books, sometimes i catch him in his room when its really quiet and i will go and look and he is sitting on his floor reading..hopefully he will be a book worm like his mom. that's about it for updates, i have pictures i took from when we went to the zoo will have to post them, other news, i am now out of the navy and getting ready to head back to school on aug 11th, baby l is doing good, due date is march 4, 2012, so that makes me 8 wks, have my first offical ob apt on aug 1, so far so good..other than that we are doing good as a family, dustin will be heading to virginia for 27 days on sunday for some training, so we will miss him, but can't wait for him to get back home.

Monday, July 25, 2011

couldn't have asked for anything more..

my heart is over following right now..maybe the hormones who knows..but today i was watching jaxson play and such emotion came over me for this little boy. he is the sweetest, loveable, happy, and giggly little boy. and i fall in love with him more more every day, i am beyond greatful that he choose me as his mom and that i get the wonderful oportunity to teach him to be the best person he can be, and to get another opportunity to bring another child in to this world is so amazing. i love being a mom, it is by far the best thing i have done with my life, i couldn't ask for anything more. to look at jaxson every day and to see that sweet smile and hear his giggle, and get kisses and have him come up and snuggle with me, is the best gift anyone could ever give me. now i understand why my mom had 7 kids. there is so much joy that comes from it. i just love it so very much, and i hope pray that jaxson knows every day how much i love him, and that the next little guy/girl will know the same thing.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad

So technically tomorrow is my parents anniversary, but i decided to write this a day early. But these two kids have been married for 40 yrs...can you believe..well if you know anything about these two than the answer is yes. i could have not asked for a better mom and dad than these two. they are amazing and i love them so very much. they have always supported me in every decision that i have made in my life, whether they agreed or not, but they have always stood by me and encouraged me to do my best and to work hard and no matter what if you set a goal and work at it, you will get there. i can remember many family vacations during the summer, whether it was going camping to get away from the arizona heat, going to san diego and to the beach and to my very first padres game (and professional baseball game), to going to south dakota, and mall of america, and nebraska, and to galvatson many memories. every school function that i have had, or award ceremony one of them was always there cheering me or my brothers and sisters on. from high school graduation, seminary graduation, young women excellence award, baptisms, blessings, college graduation. my parents..are just its hard to come up with words to describe how much i love them and how truly wonderful they are. they have such strong testimonies of the gospel and are so strong. i remember numerous times when we lived in missouri, my mom would get up at 430 in the morning every friday and drive two hours to meet with my aunt annie and go to the temple, without fail..there were a couple times that i remember she was unable either due to the weather or she was sick..and to this day she and my dad drive to mesa and go to the temple. they are both dedicated in their callings at church. i have never once heard them fight, or whine or gripe or complain about anything. they have always put their family and the gospel first and have such a strong marriage..and i hope that my marriage will be as strong as theirs. i love you both so very much and are greatful to have you as my parents and that jaxson..and baby l will get to know such awsome and strong grandparents. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!! Love you!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

it's official

so i got my message from the navy i will be getting out july 29...excited and scared, but i decided that even though i am pregnant i am going back to school. it just something i need to acomplish for myself. and i know i am not the only pregnant woman who has gone to school, i know i can do this!! :)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

pregency update

so i thought i would update everyone on what is happening with baby L2, well on friday i went to the er, due to cramping and spotting i was worried because i didn't experience that with jaxson. they did urine, and drew blood, and did an ultrasound, i am 5 wks, tomorrow i will be 6, due feb 19, 2012. they couldn't see anything in the uterus, cause its too early, and i have a cyst on my left ovary(already knew that) but they saw something else and are worried that the pregency maybe ectopic. so i got to the er at 1000 am, didn't leave until almost 1100 pm (yes people thats 12 hrs of waiting around). well the ob's came down they did a pelvic exam (that was done twice), but the time the obs came down i wasn't bleeding anymore, and they said that i had a cyst, told them i was diagonised with a cyst on my left ovary and fibroids after i had jaxson, but they didn't seem worried that i was ectopic or that i was miscarring, but i have to go in later tonight to get blood drawn to see if my hormone levels are rising, if they are thats a good thing, if not than more than likely this pregency is ectopic and will more than likely result in a miscarriage. but i am keeping my fingers crossed and praying that everything will be fine with this baby and that he/she will grow nice and healthy for the next 8 months and that i won't have as much complications as i did with jaxson. i do have this feeling that whatever happens it will all work out in the end, just keep us in your prayers! :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

family of 4

so today i found out that we are expecting again...YAY!! according to medical my due date is january 22, 2012, but i don't go to the doctor until july 12, and i will know officaly what the ob has to say about the due date. we are excited about the new addition that will be coming to our family..will keep everyone posted.

Monday, June 13, 2011


here's a picture of me recovering from nose surgery, i had surgery last tuesday, i feel good..just rocking the raccoon look right now.

Friday, June 10, 2011

to my wonderful sister

so i am dedicating this post to my sister amy, and here is why she is getting ready to go on her mission to tahiti for 18 months on the 27th, and i am not sure if i will be able to make it out to arizona to see her before she leaves, due to me have surgery. so i thought i would write down some of my thoughts that i have had lately..


oh goodness where do i start? i just wanted to tell you that how incredibly proud i am of you and your decision of going on a mission. i know we don't talk that often, as we are both busy, but i do want to tell you that i love you so very much and am so incredibly greatful to have you in my life and to call you my sister. you have been a shoulder to cry on, someone to fight with, play with, laugh with. you have been my constant companion since i can remember. you have always been someone i have looked up to, figuertivley and litteraliy , as you are much taller than me. :) you have always known what you wanted and strieved for that goal, i have never seen someone work as hard as you have. you have always made the right choice, when i know there were times when it wasn't always easy to stand up for what you know to be right. but because of all that it has made you into such an incredible person, one i know that will do so awosem on your mission, i know it will be hard, because heavenly father said it will be be easy but it will be worth it, i know you will have struggles we all do, but know that heavenly father will be watching over you, and you have lots of "cheerleaders" cheering for you on the side lines, even though you won't be able to see us when you are gone, know that we are cheering you along. i know we always haven't had the best sister moments but know that i love you and am truly sorry for things in the past, and that i am glad to know that you have been there when i need you the most, i can pin point one time when i need someone the most at a time that i was scared and knew i had dispointed some people, and what happens you call me and tell me that everything would be okay, i remember it being a very emotional phone call..but i am letting you know it meant the world to me to get that phone call from you. but i am sorry that i may not be there to see you before you leave, but know that i love you and will be excited for you to return from this wonderful new adventure!! dustin, i and jaxson are so very proud of you!! we love you.

love always and forever,

Saturday, June 4, 2011



state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy


Sunday, May 29, 2011

14 months

so i am a little behind on updates with jaxson, since he will be 15 months soon..but here is his 14 month update

sleeping: he will sleep thru the night every once in awhile, he is now waking up in the middle of the night due to teething, he is working on his back molars right now. naps he usually takes a morning nap at the sitters and sometimes when i get home from work i will put him down for about 30 mins only if he needs it.

eating; he eats about anything but can be picky, he likes most veggies, he loves fruit, peaches, pears, bananas, watermelon and cantlope are some of his favorite, he likes gold fish, cheerioes, ect he is a pretty good eater.

developments: he is walking like crazy now, sometimes i wish he hadn't started cause he is into everything. he likes pushing the tv buttons which isn't always fun, he is blabbling like crazy says momma dada, uh oh sometimes when he sees a dog he will say ah ah, i heard him say no a couple of times, he shakes his head no, will wave bye bye sometimes, loves giving kisses and snuggling when he wants a hug. he likes "helping" mom load the dishwasher, loves playing with his toys and books, being outside. i am waiting for it to warm up to take him swimming. he is trying to figure out how to reach up and pull down on door handles..and tries to reach up and mess with the knobs for the stove and dishwasher. he loves water, taking baths and splashes around like he is a little fishy.

overall i have one sweet feisty little boy.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Saturday, May 21, 2011

cinderella...i would love to have her fairy tale ending..

some days i feel like the the dishes..they always keep her hoping..i can't remember the rest of the song. don't get me wrong i love my husband and son to death..but some days i feel like a maid instead of a wife and mother..i guess i am just feeling a little down and discharged right now and could use help in so many ways...

i wish for life to be like a fairy tale ending sometimes..

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to my sweet and wonderful mom, without you I wouldn't be who I am today, you have always encourage me and supported me when I needed and sometimes when I thought I didn't but did. You have been a shoulder to cry on and someone to go to when i needed advice, you are the best mom a girl could ever ask for and I am so greatful to have you as my mom. I love you so very much Mom!!

And to the light of my life, oh how I love that boy so very much and am so very thankful that he choose me as his mom, he makes my day so much better every time I see his smiling face and hate Mondays cause that means I have to go back to work and can't be back home with him (only 60 days left until that happens.) I am so very lucky to have him in my life and hopefully one of these days we can add another one.

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful Mother's out there, including my sister and sister in laws, my grandmas (biological and added by marriage) aunts and cousins, and all the other women who have impacted my life in one way or another. :)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

13 month update

i just realized i hadn't done a 13 month update for here ya go

sleeping 6 to 8 hrs at night and two naps, sometimes one in the morning

eating: he eats about anything i put on his tray or on a spoon, he loves flavored oatmeal, spaghettios, ravillois, beefaroni, mac and cheese, peaches, pears, cantalope, graham crackers, goldfish ect.

developments: walking short distances, he just started to do that on sunday, before that he would take a couple of steps and fall down on his bottom and start crawling, he is still pulling himself up on things and walking around. he loves anything with bottons(especially the tv) loves playing with his toys, going outside, can't wait for it to get warm to take him swimming in the pool at the apartment complex. he says momma, dada, and his favorite uh oh, he claps and when he does he sometimes says ya( for yay), he will wave bye bye every once in awhile. that's if for now.

Monday, April 25, 2011